Analytical Domain:  What new knowledge do I have?
New Learning: What facts have we learned about our topic?
We have learned to eat healthy.
We learned to exercise a lot.
We learned to keep ourselves clean
Imaginative Domain:  How did I show my learning?
When could I use this learning?
By doing it.
By telling your family
By putting it on your blog 
You use it to get to new schools and you use it to get a job.
Organisational:  How could this learning make a difference to me or others?
What have I learned to do?
What tools did I use?
What thinking skills did I use?
Interpersonal:  What is my emotional connection to this learning?
How do I feel about this learning?Good
What did I enjoy most?Maths 
What was challenging for me?everything
How did I work with others?Good 
I love maths.


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